Two smiling senior women in aged care

Good Care Choices Need Good Information

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Quality Information

Our information is primarily from government sources. You can rely on its quality, in the knowledge that it's not influenced by commercial considerations.

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Updated Regularly

As new information becomes available, we review it, process it and display it promptly on the website.

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Cut and Polished

We strive to present you with just the essential information you need to navigate your residential aged care journey. Our information is concise and easy to use.

Let's Get Started »

See the simple steps to follow to enter into a residential age care home.

Search for aged care homes in your area. Get details of individual room types, quality and costs.

Understand the cost components of aged care and who pays for what. Get an estimate of your costs.

Protect your assets and income in aged care. Make good financial choices by consulting an expert.

Consider the Payment Alternatives available to you. Clarify the jargon.

Share your experience entering residential aged care. Are there tips and traps you wish you knew at the start?